


Han Man "Lady Department Store" unabridged version of Baidu online disk watch

2020-05-31 / 0 评论 / 1 点赞 / 12,613 阅读 / 1,097 字 / 正在检测是否收录...
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Han Man "Lady Department Store" unabridged version of Baidu online disk watch

Han man "lady department store" uncensored version of online watch, after discharge in the department store working Hao Ming, one day on the way to work, witnessed a day food is sister by abnormal sexual harassment, then to rescue. And Hao Ming deeds of heroism spread from now on, but also by the department store in each cabinet sister's favor. Having been single for 23 years, can he finally get lucky and prosper along the way?

Character introduction

Hao Ming department store worker, living in brother-in-law's home to resume school

Xinyi department store publicity team leader, treats people gently and kindly

Scarlett department store counter sister, has an unrestrained and free soul

Jianning department store counter brother, handsome personality and outstanding appearance

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